Starship Troopers

A different approach to UI5 tests execution

Presented by Arnaud Buchholz
Presentation made with Reveal.js


    Presented projects

    About the presentation

    • UI5 ecosystem is growing
    • UI5 tooling is the recommended solution for UI5 development

    Innovation sometimes requires ignoring recommendations 😅


    Back to 2018...


    A journey with OPA

    recording training-ui5con18-opa


    Use UI5 to test your ODATA service

    recording node-ui5


    Testing UI5 applications



    A journey with OPA



    Use UI5 to test your ODATA service



    Testing UI5 applications

    Got the trend ?
    If it's not tested, it does not work

    Need I say more ?

    Unit testing vs Integration testing

    Maximize unit testing : they must be fast and they ensure code modularity.
    Leverage integration testing : check the happy path then edge cases.

    One Page Acceptance Tests

    • UI behavior testing
    • JavaScript based
    • Tightly integrated with UI5
    • Asynchronous with active polling mechanisms
    • Backend is mocked

    Compared to other automation frameworks

    Selenium, Marionette or Puppeteer are framework agnostic, one must rely on the generated HTML to code automation. They are designed for End 2 End testing.

    OPA is designed by and for UI5 developers: one manipulates UI5 controls.

    Executing qUnit & OPA tests

    • As simple as running a web page
    • A report documents execution results
    • Coverage can be extracted


    Tests execution

    npm start
    Test structure

    Continuous Integration & Delivery

    These tests can be automated in a pipeline to validate the code before merging and / or shipping the new version.

    Quality focus

    • My tTeam is responsible of 10+ applications
    • Requirement to have at least 80% of coverage
    • Huge tests suites (up to 45 minutes)

    Pipeline issues

    • CI pipeline uses the Karma runner
    • OPA tests based on the iFrame mode
    • Huge memory consumption
    • Tests are abruptly aborted (browser crash)

    Give me a 👍 if...

    You use Karma

    You understand how Karma executes the tests

    ... I do not understand 😱

    Karma execution model

    • All tests in one window
    • One iFrame to run them all
    • Sequential execution
    • Coverage information


    Karma tests runner

    npm run karma


    Karma tests runner (CI)

    npm run karma-ci

    Serving an UI5 application

    Development setting

    • UI5 loaded with sap-ui-core.js
      • No specific version
      • Path is relative to the project
    • <script id="sap-ui-bootstrap" src="../resources/sap-ui-core.js"
      	data-sap-ui-resourceroots='{"Demo": "./"}'
      Example of UI5 bootstrap
    • All dependencies are under /resources/ or /test-resources/

    Running the application (WebIDE)

    • Mapping configured with neo-app.json
      • Enables fast version selection
    • No installation but hard to automate

    Running the application (@ui5/cli)

    • UI5 packages are installed locally
      • Fastidious version switch
      ui5 serve -o
    • Heavy but automated

    Running the application (UI5 CDN)

    • Load UI5 from a Content Delivery Network
      • Version selection requires to change the bootstrap
      • A web server is required to deliver the project files
      <script id="sap-ui-bootstrap"
      	data-sap-ui-resourceroots='{"Demo": "./"}'
      UI5 bootstrap from CDN
    • Lite setup but how do we automate ?

    Can we combine a lightweight setup
    with a fast & external version selection ?

    ...In an automatable way ?

    Introducing REserve

    Small, configurable and reusable

    	"port": 8080,
    	"mappings": [{
    		"match": "/(test-)?resources/(.*)",
    		"url": "$1resources/$2"
    	}, {
    		"match": "^/(.*)",
    		"file": "./webapp/$1"
    Example JSON configuration file to serve an UI5 application


    Serving an UI5 application with REserve

    npm run reserve
    Test suite

    Would you like to know more ?

    REserve — Serving an OpenUI5 application

    Building a test platform

    Defining the options

    Every aspect of the platform is
    configurable through options :

    • Location of the webapp folder
    • URL of the UI5 CDN
    • Serving port
    • ...


    Serving the application

    Done by embedding REserve

    const { check, serve } = require('reserve')
    		port: job.port,
    		mappings: [{
    			match: '/(test-)?resources/(.*)', // UI5 mapping
    			url: `${job.ui5}/$1`
    		}, {
    			match: /^\/(.*)/, // Project mapping
    			file: join(job.webapp, '$1')
    		.then(configuration => serve(configuration))
    Embedding REserve inside an application

    Spawning a browser (1/3)

    To automate the tests execution, the platform needs a way to start a browser and stop it when the tests are done (or the timeout is reached).

    The browser instantiation is deferred to a configurable script that is spawned by the platform.

    default script

    Spawning a browser (2/3)

    By default, a puppeteer script is provided

    const puppeteer = require('puppeteer')
    let browser
    process.on('message', async message => {
      if (message.command === 'stop') { // End signal
        await browser.close()
    async function main () {
      browser = await puppeteer.launch({
        headless: true,
        args: [process.argv[2] /* Test page to open */, /* ... */]
    Browser instantiation script

    Spawning a browser (3/3)

    Tests were conducted to validate that
    multiple and concurrent instances
    do not interfere with each other :

    • Timeouts
    • Local storage
    • Cache
    • ...

    Custom endpoints (1/2)

    During the tests execution, the platform needs to receive feedback from the browsers.
    For instance : to know when a test ends

    Dedicated endpoints are created.
    (base URL : /_/)

    The endpoints leverage the referer header to
    identify which test (test page URL) initiated the request.

    Custom endpoints (2/2)

    const { body } = require('reserve')
    function endpoint (implementation) {
      return async function (request, response) {
        const url = request.headers.referer
        const data = JSON.parse(await body(request))
        try {
          await, url, data)
        } catch (e) {
          console.error(`Exception when processing ${url}`, e)
    Reusable endpoint implementation


    Serving an UI5 application with the platform

    ui5-test-runner -parallel:0 -port:8080
    Test suite

    Would you like to know more ?

    REserve — Testing UI5 — Building a platform

    Probing the tests

    Declaring the tests (1/3)

    The test suite page
    declares every unit and OPA tests
    contained in the project.


    Declaring the tests (2/3)

    When opening the page, a redirection occurs
    and a runner executes the declared tests.

    UI5 test runner

    Declaring the tests (3/3)

    		<script src="../resources/sap/ui/qunit/qunit-redirect.js"></script>
    		function suite() {
    			var oSuite = new parent.jsUnitTestSuite(),
    				iLastSep = location.pathname.lastIndexOf("/") + 1,
    				sContextPath = location.pathname.substring(0, iLastSep);
    			oSuite.addTestPage(sContextPath + "unit/unitTests.qunit.html");
    			oSuite.addTestPage(sContextPath + "integration/opaTests.qunit.html");
    			return oSuite;
    Tests declaration in the testsuite.qunit.html

    Test suite extraction (1/2)

    By substituting qunit-redirect.js
    with a custom script and
    opening testsuite.qunit.html,
    the platform captures the list of test pages.

    custom script

    Test suite extraction (2/2)

    const pages = []
    function jsUnitTestSuite () {}
    jsUnitTestSuite.prototype.addTestPage = function (url) {
    window.jsUnitTestSuite = jsUnitTestSuite // Expose
    window.addEventListener('load', function () {
    	suite() // Trigger
    	const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()'POST', '/_/addTestPages')
    Custom qunit-redirect.js used to extract test pages


    Substituting qunit-redirect.js

    ui5-test-runner -parallel:-1 -port:8080
    original qunit-redirect.js
    substituted qunit-redirect.js

    Would you like to know more ?

    REserve — Testing UI5 — Probing the tests

    Executing the tests

    QUnit hooks

    The OPA framework is built on top of QUnit.

    QUnit exposes hooks to monitor the tests :

    They provide information about
    progress and status.

    Injecting the hooks

    When the test page loads the QUnit module,
    the platform injects code to leverage the hooks
    and trigger specific endpoints.


    Execution queue (1/2)

    After probing the tests, the platform knows the list of test page URL.

    Then, it instantiates concurrent browsers to run each page individually.
    The number of concurrent browsers is given by the option parallel.

    The test page is stopped when the test is done (QUnit.testDone) or when the timeout is reached.

    Execution queue (2/2)

    for (let i = 0; i < job.parallel; ++i) runTestPage()
    async function runTestPage () {
    	const { length } = job.testPageUrls
    	if (job.testPagesCompleted === length) { 
    		return generateReport() // Last test completed
    	if (job.testPagesStarted === length) {
    		return // No more tests to run
    	const url = job.testPageUrls[job.testPagesStarted++]
    	await start(url) // Resolved when the browser is stopped (or timed out)
    Execution queue simplified implementation


    Executing the tests in parallel

    ui5-test-runner -parallel:2 -port:8080 -cache:.ui5 -keepAlive:true
    Progress report Coverage report

    Would you like to know more ?

    REserve — Testing UI5 — Executing tests

    Measuring code coverage

    Understanding code coverage

    The process requires three steps :

    • Instrumentation of the code
    • Evaluation of the code
    • Extraction and consolidation of measurement


    nyc is a command line wrapper for Istanbul,
    a javascript code coverage tool.

    The platform leverage nyc by spawning commands and waiting for their termination.


    Instrumenting sources

    The instrumentation step is triggered before executing the tests. By default, the test files are excluded from the coverage report.

    NYC aggregates the collected coverage information at the window level. Because of the IFrame usage in OPA, this is changed to the top window by the platform.

    Injecting instrumented sources

    When an instrumented file exists for a source file, it is substituted.

    /* Reserve mappings : */ [{
      match: /^\/(.*\.js)$/,
      file: join(instrumentedSourceDir, '$1'),
      'ignore-if-not-found': true
    }, {
      match: /^\/(.*)/,
      file: join(job.webapp, '$1')
    Injecting instrumented files if they exist

    Consolidating code coverage

    Each test page is executed separately : corresponding coverage data is saved at the end of each test page.

    When all the tests are completed, NYC is used to merge the coverage information and generate the coverage report.


    Coverage measurement

    ui5-test-runner -parallel:2 -port:8080 -cache:.ui5 -keepAlive:true
    Coverage report

    Would you like to know more ?

    REserve — Testing UI5 — Measuring code coverage


    Karma execution model

    • Generic but adapted to UI5
    • All tests in one window
      One iFrame to run them all
    • Sequential execution
    • Coverage information

    • Obscure implementation


    ui5-test-runner execution model

    • Specific to UI5
    • Each test page in a distinct window
    • Parallel execution
    • Coverage information

    • Crystal clear implementation


    Tips & Tricks

    • To benefit from parallelization, split the OPA tests by journeys
      (see training-ui5Con18-opa)
    • Cache UI5 locally to speed up page execution

    Ideas to improve the platform

    • Smarter watch
      (test only what is impacted by the change)
    • Smart timeout
      (detect browser inactivity)
    • Test grids
      (using Selenium integration)

    Thank you !

    Arnaud Buchholz
    Development Expert
    npm ui5-test-runner